Secoya is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that has been working since 1991 with the Yanomami People of the Middle Rio Negro, in the state of Amazonas.
Secoya's work is based on interculturality in which it recognizes the need to act in a perspective to reduce the damage caused by the asymmetry of power of the 'napë world' (non-Yanomami, foreign) in relation to indigenous cultures.
In facing the challenges to guarantee the autonomy of the Yanomami People, Secoya counts on the administrative partnership of the Association of Advisory Services to the Peoples of the Forest (Aflora). Together, the entities develop articulated activities in complementary work fronts with a view to supporting the Yanomami people in the defense of their rights and in the consolidation of the people's governance through educational and affirmative actions, as well as citizen participation in public policies, in addition to proposals pilots and innovators favoring territorial and environmental management from a sustainable perspective.
Association Service and Cooperation with the Yanomami People – Secoya
CNPJ: 02.176.472/0001-25
Association of Advisory Services to the Peoples of the Forest – Aflora
CNPJ: 21.693.055/0001-02
Make a donation and help us to strengthen governance, well-being and the future of the Yanomami people, in addition to enforcing indigenous rights within our society
Association of Advisory Services to the Peoples of the Forest - AFLORA
Bank of Brazil
Agency: 3378-2
Current account: 34,261-0
Donate through PIX
CNPJ: 21.693.055/0001-02